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Public Defense 102: Trial Advocacy Workshop (2025)

SCCID is proud to present Public Defense 102: Trial Advocacy Workshop. This Workshop will provide an opportunity for “on your feet” criminal trial training under the supervision of experienced trial lawyers.
Monday | April 28, 2025 - Wednesday | April 30, 2025

Public Defense 102

PD100 Series:  Fundamental Advocacy Skills Training Program


REGISTER NOW!  Scroll to bottom of page, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS, and click the "Register" button.


Public Defense 102:  Trial Advocacy Workshop

April 28 - 30, 2025

Richland County Judicial Center

Columbia, South Carolina


WHAT IS PD102?  Public Defense 102 is a trial advocacy workshop providing an opportunity for “on your feet” training under the direction of experienced trial lawyers.

Plenary Lectures and Small-group breakout sections hone trial preparation and courtroom skills including preparing a trial notebook, developing a theory and theme of the case, preparing and presenting opening and closing statements, and conducting direct and cross-examinations.  


WHO SHOULD ATTEND?  Public Defenders and Indigent Defense Contract Attorneys who have fewer than 3-years’ experience as a public defender or equivalent trial experience and who previously have not attended PD102.

Prior Attendance of PD101 is not required to attend this workshop.


CLE CREDIT:   CLE Course Number:   Pending   16.25 Hours MCLE credit including 1 hour of LEPR (Ethics) credit




LODGING:  SCCID pays the basic lodging and hotel parking fees for attendees (non-faculty) booked through SCCID and traveling more than 50 miles. (Please specify lodging needs when registering.) (Hotel TBD)


PARKING:  Parking for daily commuters is available in the Taylor Street Garage, 1600 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC, which is across Blanding Street from the Courthouse.  The garage has entrances on Taylor Street and Assembly Street.  For more info, CLICK HERE.  The garage uses the Passport Parking app, so download it and set up your account in advance.

Street parking IS NOT recommended.  Meter feeding is not allowed. Parking fees are enforced from 9 am - 7 pm Monday - Friday (Monday - Saturday in Five Points).

SCCID does not pay for commuter parking.


PRIOR PREPARATION: Instructions Pending



Start Time End Time Session Title
1.01 8:45 AM 9:00 AM Opening - Workshop Structure and Goals
1.02 9:00 AM 9:30 AM The Trial Notebook, Witness Notes, Trial Notes
1.03 9:30 AM 10:30 AM Theory and Theme of a Case
1.04 10:30 AM 10:40 AM Break
1.05 10:40 AM 11:55 AM Theory and Theme Brainstorm Workshop
1.06 11:55 AM 1:10 PM Lunch (East Bay Deli)
1.07 1:10 PM 1:55 PM Opening Statements Lecture
1.08 1:55 PM 2:40 PM Cross-Examination Lecture
1.09 2:40 PM 2:50 PM Break
1.10 2:50 PM 5:00 PM Cross-Examination Brainstorm & Practice Workshop
2.01 8:45 AM 10:45 AM Opening-Statement Brainstorm & Practice Workshop
2.02 10:45 AM 11:00 AM Break
2.03 11:00 AM 11:45 AM Direct Examination Lecture
2.04 11:45 AM 1:00 PM Lunch (On Your Own)
2.05 1:00 PM 3:15 PM Direct Examination Brainstorm & Practice Workshop
2.06 3:15 PM 3:30 PM Break
2.07 3:30 PM 4:15 PM Closing Statement Lecture
2.08 4:15 PM 5:00 PM Closing Statement Brainstorm Workshop
3.01 8:45 AM 11:00 AM Closing Statements Practice Workshop
3.02 11:00 AM 11:15 AM Break
3.03 11:15 AM 12:15 PM Courtroom Ethics



NOTICE:  You must meet one of the following requirements to participate in this seminar:

    • You must be an attorney currently employed by a South Carolina Public Defender’s Office and have fewer than 3 years of experience as a public defender.


    • You must be an Indigent Defense Contract Attorney (Criminal/Juvenile) with fewer than 3 years of experience as a public defender or equivalent trial experience.


NOTE to PDs and Contract Attorneys:  YOU MUST LOG IN TO YOUR SCCID ACCOUNT to register. 

If you are a public defender and don't have an account, here is a link to the instructions to create one:  



After your registration is approved, please come back to this site.  It should open on the private page with forms and instructions for choosing and submitting your own case to use at PD102.


For questions about registration, or if you need to update your registration information, please contact Lawrence Brown or 803-270-7657(mobile) or Steve Hampton 

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